Special cargo

Special cargoes include those cargoes that require compliance with specific conditions of transportation and the most urgent delivery. Thanks to a high degree of preparedness and experience, Al Ibtikar Cargo can handle any kind of special cargo. Our specialists have the necessary knowledge and skills in the process of processing, packaging, storage, preparation of the necessary documents for the goods, which require special attention and awareness.

Transportation of dangerous goods

High level of protection when transporting dangerous goods.

Everyone knows the fact that violation of the rules and regulations of packaging, labeling and transportation of dangerous goods can lead to disastrous consequences. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe have defined international standards for the safest possible transport of dangerous goods in airspace and on land transport (ADR). 

Перевозка опасных грузов
Перевозка живых животных

Transportation of live animals

24/7 control 

Al Ibtikar is part of a global network of specialist organizations for the transport of unaccompanied animals.

General provisions for the transport of animals by private airlines are determined by the international standard IATA (LAR). 

Transportation of oversized and heavy cargo

Transportation of oversized goods from Europe to Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan 

Currently, one of the most difficult areas in logistics is the transportation of oversized cargo by special vehicles. 

Перевозка негабаритных и тяжелых грузов
Перевозка скоропортящихся грузов

Transportation of perishable goods

The transportation of perishable products requires a delicate approach and professional organization of the logistics route, taking into account various aspects. There are a number of conditions that should be observed when transporting this type of cargo: precise maintenance of a certain temperature, high requirements for the mode of transport and transshipment points, the highest degree of cargo protection from damage, fast delivery times.

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Al Ibtikar Cargo

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