Multimodal transportation

Different transport, single responsibility.

Multimodal transportation is a list of several services for the delivery of goods by several modes of transport, where the networks of logistics providers are used under one transport forwarding agreement. That is, various transportation services are combined here: air, land, water, however, despite such a variety, an excellent ratio of price, route and delivery time is offered.

Al Ibtikar Cargo guarantees you fast, safe and optimal transportation, taking advantage of each mode of transport along its own multimodal transport and logistics chain.

With the Al Ibtikar multimodalCargo product, you will have a huge advantage over your competitors. We provide comprehensive support at the global and regional levels, as well as offer the services of highly qualified agents involved in the process of cargo transportation.


  • International partners among the leading logistics 3PL and 4PL providers
  • Membership in large-scale transport hubs and logistics centers, including seaports, railway junctions and airports in Europe, Russia and Asia
  • Full responsibility for the transportation of goods in accordance with standard international conditions for under a single contract with the client
  • Online monitoring of all stages of transportation and provision of information and cargo status 
  • Customs brokerage support, the possibility of organizing customs transit and releasing cargo in an agreed customs regime
  • Throughout the delivery route, the possibility of organizing storage, warehousing, repacking. 
  • Timely delivery of cargo safe and sound
  • Adequate and transparent pricing policy


  • Providing the best mode of transport based on your preferences
  • Selection of the optimal route for goods within the established time frame at the best price 
  • Negotiations and agreement on the conditions of transshipment, storage and reloading at transport hubs, ports and terminals
  • Customs export-import and transit operations
  • Development and provision of cargo-accompanying documentation based on the chosen method of transportation
  • Obtaining permissive documents at all stages of cargo transportation
  • Delivery of cargo in the modes "from door to door", from "door to port" and from "door to terminal"
  • Cargo insurance.
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Al Ibtikar Cargo

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